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We've started a blog!

Updated: Apr 28, 2021

Welcome to the very first post on our Artifex Australia blog. After nearly 50 years in business, we thought it was about time we shared a little more with you!

Come along for the ride

Keep updated with the latest from our team.

What's there to share?

Our blog has been created as a resource to share more #insiderinfo with you, inviting you into the every day life here at Artifex Australia.

Keep up to date with our latest products as they're released, projects we are part of together with our partners, industry related information + more about all the things we love.

What do we love?

There are a number things we are passionate about here at Artifex, some you may know and others you soon will find out more about! Here's a taste:

  1. Furniture (is that a little bit obvious?) - we're talking furniture design, furniture manufacturing, furniture trends...all things furniture!

  2. Sustainability and recycling - playing our part in the bigger picture

  3. Craftsmanship - employing local talent to handcraft fine Australian-Made furniture

  4. Manufacturing - the whole process from design through to delivery

  5. Australian-Made - supporting, buying, creating and selling local

If you've read this far, thank you!

Thank you for visiting our website and thank you for supporting Australian Made

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Artifex Australia
Manufacturers of Sustainable Furniture
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10 Tinga Place, Kelmscott WA 6111
Ph 08 9455 1400
Proud members of

Western Australian Furniture Manufacturers Association

© 2022 Artifex Australia

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